Weather in Irland

Hi everyone,

From the 7th to the 14th of October my class 4B and 3A went on a trip to Ireland and this is a blog entry about the weather in Ireland.

The weather in Ireland can go from sunny to rainy to even snowy in just a couple of minutes.

Most of the time the temperature stays under 20°C.

Therefore, it is very important to pack many warm clothes for example long sleeved T-shirts, jackets, overalls, scarfs, hand gloves, long socks, boots, hoods and don’t forget an umbrella.

In addition, the possibility for bad weather like thunder, hail or even a snowstorm are not low.

We were lucky on our trip because every day, except Sunday, it was sunny.

Always keep yourself warm in Ireland so that you do not get sick and do not need to stay at home.

If you ever visit Ireland, prepare yourself for every weather.
